Visualize your product subscriptions at a glance

The timeline view for your SaaS subscriptions!

Transform complex subscription data into an intuitive timeline. Get insights from Stripe,
Coming SoonLemon Squeezy and Paddle to power your business decisions

App screenshot

How does it work?

Add api key

1. Add Restricted API Key

Add the restricted api key of your selected payment service

2. Fetch all subscription details for the month

Once api keys are added start fetching subscription details

Is this for me?

Trigflow is for you:

  • No more juggling multiple dashboards. See all your subscription data in one place
  • You want to understand which customers are on what plan and for how long
  • You want to visualize future revenue streams based on current subscriptions

Pricing plans for the launch

Free to use

The essentials to begin with Trigflow


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Simpified subscription timeline view
for your SaaS product